Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Rich men north of Richmond is absolutely dog-whistle for Lost Cause narrative at best and white supremacy at worst. Richmond, VA was the capital of the Confederacy. The main hypothesis of the Lost Cause was the south never had a chance due to the superior wealth and industry of the north.

The rest of the "song" is the same old shopworn list of conservative grievances that have been around since at least Reagan. To whiners like him, I say get a better job. I did and I couldn't care less about taxes.. Maybe he'd appreciate what Mexico or some other country would do with his tax dollars a little better. I invite him and his dawg to find out.

He's checking boxes on a list and he's either doing it on his own or he's being fed it, but there is no way he can't be aware of how people are interpreting this song. No one puts that much "artifice" into a project while simultaneously having muddled thinking.

These shit-kickers are everywhere these days. Whining white hypocrites. And I as an American am heartily sick of them.

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I suspect my significant other---also American---would totally agree with you.

I wrote it the way I did because I'm trying my darndest to adopt the maxim that you should never ascribe a motivation to people---only describe their behaviour. (I have a very bad habit of doing this in very inappropriate circumstances.)

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Tempted to listen to this song!

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